Getting To Know Me…

fullsizerender-6As an author, you will get to know me through my writing. As a woman, you will get to know the inspiration that came from the child within my soul.

My message – and inspiration began when I was a small child, at a very young age – and has stayed with me into my adulthood. Every experience in “The Me I Never Was” is written in Truth.

As early as ten months old, I can remember thinking as a full grown woman. I would go in – and out of sleep experiencing other worlds. One afternoon I woke up – and found myself lying in the playpen with another little person laying opposite of me in a different direction (my twin sister). I laid there waiting for someone to come for me – and I couldn’t understand why I had to wait for someone to pick me up and let me out! My words formed clearly in my mind, but my mouth couldn’t move the way I wanted it to; as I was trying to call out for help. So, on this one particular afternoon; I had enough of waiting. In my mind clearly said, “I want to be independent; I’m going to do this myself!” I crawled to the rail of the playpen – and pulled myself up. It was not an easy task; my body felt like lead – and my legs felt wobbly, but I made it! The moment I stood, I knew I was on my way towards independence. The day I stood on my own, I knew I could live the life that was the real me. The day I stood on my own; I stayed connected to my true self – and I wasn’t going to let go!

If, you would like to know more about the child who had determination – and will power to evolve into the woman she is today, please leave a comment below!

“In The Name of True Freedom!”
Francine C. Still Hicks

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Let Love – The Alchemy of God

th7QC150VXLet Love reach out into the world. Let Love be the Light of understanding and compassion become humankind’s experience. Let Love work in the hearts of those who hate out of ignorance in not knowing why. Let Love blossom forth into empathy – in the souls of those who know not the wisdom of God’s Omnipotence. Let Love be the beacon of Light that shows the way to enlightenment. Let Love open the hearts of the ignorant and become the eyes to see the All in Truth! Let Love break the chains of dogma and bring freedom to every living soul.

Love is the alchemy process of All Life – the chemistry of God’s Divine Transformation set forth throughout the universe – into humankind’s natural process. For Love is not weak, but the power force behind all that there is. Love is the Protector of Justice in all life! Let Love guide us through this evolutionary period – by the called alignment of God’s Alchemy – the time of Transformation!

This is the time for all that is silver to turn to gold – this is the time given to all who reach for transformation will receive the given gift of eternal life. We are the Power that has been invested for Freedom; the liberation to be who we were born to be! Take your wings and fly to the highest dimension of boundless heights inside – and outside !

“May We Heal Within and Awaken Our Awareness of Truth”

In The Name of Love & Freedom,

Francine C. Still Hicks

Finding Our Freedom From Within!

Only Use This Photo of The Me I Never WasWelcome to The Mind… Your Spirit my new blog site! My name is Francine C. Still Hicks author of the new published book called, “THE ME I NEVER WAS” – published by Balboa Press a division of Hay House Publishing.

This blog site will be a bridge to all who seeks to know themselves from within – for the seeker who has questions of finding their true self and to be bold in stripping the bandages that has labeled them from being who they were born to be! This blog site will be a site where you can come and express yourself freely without being judged,  we are here to heal the Mind, cleanse the Soul and reveal the Spirit!

I started writing “The Me I Never Was” in 1978 while I was working as supervisor at a gift store/restaurant. I was twenty four years old and my life up to that point was painful and a great struggle. As a young child I felt different – that I wasn’t like anyone else and what made me feel different was my surroundings… my environment. I thought it was natural  having dreams, visions and meditative experiences of another life in different dimensions – I thought within myself that all people experienced supernatural happenings. Early in my life I realized others didn’t experience those true moments of reality or they didn’t expressed them outwardly, because of the fear being called strange – I began slowly protecting my visions in silence.

On this blog page we will be able to communicate with each other and share our personal experiences in the pursuit of finding our true self within. We will have the opportunity to share our thoughts on the Power of Love – on the mystical and on the spiritual moments we have in our quiet hours. Here we will share our questions and answers without being judged for our beliefs that have not yet grown into the fullness of “Knowing!”

We will find the empowerment to revolutionize within – bringing an evolution to the soul – purging the soul from all shadows of the past. We will grow into our soul’s purification from all the external labels that have been placed in our minds since birth! Gently we will evolve outwardly into our true purpose of living – we will find our freedom together!

In The Name of Love and Freedom,

Francine C. Still Hicks

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